Wednesday, June 20, 2012

7 week ultrasound

Things are still looking good. Strong heartbeat and good growth.

We actually gained a couple of days on my LMP. I was 7w3d. The baby is 7w1d and the sac is 7w2d. The doctor still assures me the fact that I am 2 days behind my LMP dating is just fine because of when we did the trigger. And last week it was 4 days behind, so good news.

I'm still a few days away from 7w6d...which was the day of bad news last time. Hoping I can make it through with relative calm. I will be at the beach after all. A short trip, but the beach nonetheless. Hoping to post a few more updates soon.


  1. Great news! Looks like the little one is catching up nicely, yay!

  2. I'm so glad you had another wonderful appointment!! Enjoy the beach. I think the beach was perfect for me, and I went at about 7/8 weeks too!

  3. yay! sounds like things are going good!

  4. This is great news!
